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Meet Tinker Bell, Silvermist, Iridessa, Rosetta, Fawn, and all their fairy friends. These fairies have very different personalities and talents, but they all love spending time together. Discover more about the stars of Disney’s new DVD Tinker Bell in this full-color storybook.
Tinker Bell is supposed to be the best there is at fixing pots and pans, but when she loses her hammer, her talent goes with it. Tink is desperate to reclaim her skill. But does she have the courage to face up to her past?
Vidia can be nasty and selfish, but is she a thief? When she is falsely accused of stealing Queen Clarion’s crown, she begins an investigation that leads her on a wild-goose chase to the far corners of the Home Tree. Will Vidia be able to clear her name in time?
Rani doesn't fit in. Ever since she had to cut off her wings to save Mother Dove, she doesn’t feel like she belongs with the water talent fairies. In fact, without wings, she doesn’t feel like she belongs with any fairies at all. Rani sets off on a perilous journey to find a home, a journey that leads her underwater, deep into the lagoon, where the mermaids live. Maybe there Rani will discover who her true friends are!

Fira is a take-charge light-talent fairy, who never asks for help. So when all the fireflies come down with the firefly flu, who organizes light for Pixie Hollow? Fira. When three new light-talent fairies arrive on the same day, who volunteers to look after them? Fira. And when the mining-talent fairies set off on their monthly expedition into the underground caves, who lights the way? Fira, of course. But she's exhausted, and the deeper the miners go, the more her glow flickers and fades. Fira's full moon may turn out to be her darkest hour!
Messy, creative Bess is perfectly happy creating her paintings in her out-of- the-way studio, never worrying about what the other fairies think. But after she unveils a new portrait of Tinker Bell, she finds herself in a whirlwind of attention. Every sparrow man and fairy in Pixie Hollow wants her to paint his or her picture! With hundreds of fairies to please, suddenly Bess's talent seems more like a chore than a joy!

Prilla just can't say no. When Nettle asks her to join in on caterpillar sheering for the second day in a row, Prilla tells a little white lie—she prefers butterflies to caterpillars. Then all the butterfly-herding talent fairies come down with a case of fairy pox, and because of her "love of butterflies," Prilla is asked to help out. But butterfly-herding is a lot harder than it sounds. Butterflies are downright mischievous, making Prilla's life perfectly miserable. Is it time for Prilla to 'fess up?
Tink and Terence are best friends. But sometimes Terence, well... he gets on Tink's last nerve. So when Terence accidentally squashes Tink's favorite bowl, her anger flares up and she lets him have it! But Tink soon realizes she made a mistake. How can she make it up to Terence? With a bunch of Never flowers? Or legendary pixie dust? Tink sets off an an epic quest through Never Land. She's never failed before... and she's not about to start now!
Beck can't help wondering what lies outside Pixie Hollow. Then Beck meets a flock of Explorer Birds and has her chance. With Vidia's special pixie dust, Beck can fly faster and farther than ever before. She joins the far-flying Explorer Birds, to see what's beyond the sea. But why would selfish Vidia help Beck? Is it possible she just wants Beck to leave Pixie Hollow... for good?
Poor Dulcie! After the overworked baking fairy nearly ruins breakfast, Queen Clarion tells her to take a holiday. But Dulcie’s vacation is no fun at all. Her friends are too busy to spend time with her. And worse, the bossy new baking fairy, Ginger, has taken over Dulcie’s job! Then Dulcie stumbles across an ancient magical recipe in the library. She’s desperate to try it out. But how can she bake the mysterious Comfort Cake if she’s not allowed in the kitchen? “These books are classic Disney with little bits of wisdom wrapped around entertaining adventures.
Nothing rattles Silvermist. She’s the calmest water-talent fairy around, and as cool as a deep mountain lake. But then an “unlucky” white ladybug lands on Silvermist’s head, and her orderly world goes topsy-turvy. She’s never been the type of fairy to lose things or have accidents or make mistakes... until now. Silvermist doesn’t believe in bad luck and silly old fairy superstitions. But all her troubles began after she found the white ladybug. Could the other fairies be right? Is Silvermist really under a curse?
Fawn loves practical jokes. She’s by far the best prankster in all of Pixie Hollow. Then her friend Beck plays a trick of her own that spooks the fairy dust off Fawn. Fawn would never let a good joke go unanswered, and in the blink of a dragonfly’s eye, the two fairies in an all-out practical joke battle! Prank follows prank until one night someone turns all the furniture in Fawn’s room upside down. And Beck swears it wasn’t her! But if Beck didn’t do it... and Fawn didn't do it... then who did? Is there another trickster in the Home Tree?

Rosetta and Fawn are complete opposites. Rosetta loves fancy dresses and flowers. Fawn would rather go on adventures with her animal friends. Then the queen throws a fancy dinner, and Fawn decides she doesn’t want to go. So Rosetta makes a deal with her. If Fawn dresses up for the dinner and minds her manners, Rosetta will spend a day doing whatever Fawn wants. Rosetta thinks it’s the perfect plan. But she never imagined just what Fawn would want to do! Can their friendship survive a day of frogs, mud, and... worms?

How did super-orderly Iridessa get into such a fix? First, Tink’s crazy idea to take a pirate bottle from Captain Hook goes horribly wrong. Then, in the flutter of a fairy’s wing, Iridessa and Tink find themselves trapped inside the bottle, floating forlornly on the ocean waves! But as they bob along, the bottle crosses paths with all sorts of unusual sea life, from green turtles to flying fish to beautiful, but selfish, mermaids. And gradually, Iridessa learns something new—a little adventure isn’t such a bad thing!
Queen Clarion is missing! One minute Prilla was flying right behind her, then POOF!—the queen was gone. Meanwhile, someone has taken the precious heart seed from Lily’s rare Fairy Pink rose. Could the queen’s disappearance and the stolen heart seed be connected? With the help of Lily and Beck, Prilla follows clues that Queen Clarion has left behind. The trail leads them all the way to the mysterious High Tree Forest. Prilla knows the queen is somewhere in the vast, dark forest. But how will they ever find her?

Myka can spot an ant carrying a crumb in a faraway field. She can see an inchworm sliding along a twig in a distant wood. She’s a brave-hearted, sharpeyed fairy scout. Then one morning Myka thinks she spots something dangerous and sounds an alarm—a false alarm. Now Myka’s no longer so sure of herself. She’s starting to think something is wrong with her eyes, but she doesn’t want anyone to know. Can Myka count on her other senses to help her fool everyone?

Lily has always thought of herself as a garden-talent fairy first and foremost. But after Tink challenges the other talents to think up new ideas, Lily discovers she's pretty good at inventing things, too, like her new flowers, the panglories. They grow anywhere—in dirt, on wood, even on rocks! But then little gray spots pop up, first on the panglories, then on other flowers, until all the plants in Pixie Hollow start losing their colors. Can Lily invent a way out of this new fix?

No fairy in Pixie Hollow is faster than Vidia. Then a new fast-flying fairy arrives—a very fast fast-flying fairy. Wisp loves speed more than anything . . . except maybe for danger. Right away, Vidia challenges Wisp to race. At first, Vidia wins easily. But Wisp keeps getting faster, and more fearless. She comes closer and closer to winning. And while Vidia finds the races thrilling, each one is riskier than the last. Someone might get hurt! Is it time for Vidia to put on the brakes?
For two weeks, Pixie Hollow has been in a terrible dry spell. Everyone is frazzled, especially Rani and the other the water-talent fairies. When the dry spell finally ends, Queen Clarion decides it's time for a treat—a fairy treasure hunt! But on the day of the treasure hunt, Rani wakes up late. Her friends all have partners already, so Rani is stuck with the slowest-moving sparrow man around. To make things worse, she has a bet with Vidia. If Vidia finishes before her, Rani will have to do whatever the fast-flying fairy wants. This is one contest Rani can't let herself lose!
After losing her panpipes, shy Trill convinces some other music-talent fairies to try less traditional instruments in the upcoming Oceanside Symphony concert.

One day Tink helps Dooley with the sqeaky wheel on his mouse cart, and in the process, she fixes something else—Dooley! Turns out, Tink loves fixing fairies. And the more fairies she fixes, the more fairies she sees in need of her help. But there's one problem. Not all the fairies think they need fixing!
Garden-talent fairy Rosetta likes one thing almost as much as her flowers—pretty dresses! She can never wait to check out the sewing-talent fairies' latest creations. When they decide to have a fashion show, the fairies even let Rosetta design a dress for it. She has so many wonderful ideas...until a conk on the head knocks her style sense right out of her! Now Rosetta is wearing a lampshade as a hat and her favorite color is drab. Has she lost her fairy flair forever?